Sunday 10 August 2014

August 2014 Update

Why Hoboken is Throwing Away All of its Student Laptops
Hoboken school officials were also worried they couldn’t control which websites students would visit. Crocamo installed software to block pornography, gaming sites and Facebook. He disabled the built-in web cameras. He even installed software to block students from undoing these controls. But Crocamo says students found forums on the Internet that showed them how to access everything.

French Senate passes bill to add precautions to wireless networks and mobile phones
“This amendment takes into account the rights of parents to be informed when their children are exposed to electromagnetic fields. It also follows the principles of common sense in switching wireless networks off when they’re not in use,”

Boil the Frog Slowly with guest Cindy Sage - The BioInitiative Report
Are hospitals safe for newborns? Cindy Sage joins Pat to discuss some of the findings of the updated BioInitiative Report as it relates to hospital safety. Listen as she answers some audience email questions.

Major Device Safety Warnings
Below is a list of warnings from every major manufacturer in the world found deep inside their user manuals warning consumers of the dangers of holding their device to the head or storing in pockets/bras. Most people have no idea. This information should be on the front package of every device.

Scientists and Physicians call Health Canada to protect the public from radiofrequency radiation exposure

People are becoming ill and so far the medical profession in Canada, apart from a few enlightened individuals, is largely ignorant of the health risks of continuous exposure to wireless technology.


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