Wednesday, 12 May 2021

Letter #9 Dear BC Minister of Education $20 per child, is a small price to pay compared to brain surgery, chemotherapy, radiation treatments etc.?

From: Safetecinschools <>
Date: Fri, Apr 30, 2021 at 10:41 AM
Subject: Letter #9 Dear BC Minister of Education $20 per child, is a small price to pay compared to brain surgery, chemotherapy, radiation treatments etc.?
To: <>

Dear BC Minister of Education, Jennifer Whiteside,

 -       Did you know Dr. Richard Stanwick, our Vancouver Island School Health Officer, has endorsed the installation of microwave radiation, a known 2B carcinogen listed next to lead, DDT, methyl mercury, chloroform, and car exhaust as an acceptable risk in our schools? 

 -       Did you know that parents, teachers and students were never told what the risks were from microwave radiation exposure?

 -       Did you know that parents never signed a consent form allowing the public school system to expose their children to a known 2B Carcinogen, microwave radiation, 6 hours a day 5 days a week?

 -       Did you know no one has put an exposure control plan in place in our classrooms?

 -       Did you know no one is measuring the radiation levels when 25 cell phones and 25 chrome books downloading in just one classroom, surrounded by multiple commercial Wi-Fi routers, white boards with overhead projectors, wireless audio systems throughout the school, surrounded by cell towers, small cells, and Wi-Fi hotspots?

 -       Did you know no one is educating students and staff of the safe use of wireless products as per the federally mandated safety manual?

 -       Did you know no one assesses and controls the amount of microwave radiation our children are exposed to, identifying the risks, monitoring the health of our children and documenting the results? 

-       Did you know if a child is going on a field trip, parents are required to sign a consent form stating where this child is going, how long they are going to be, who is taking them, what they are going to do, what time they will leave and what time they will be back?

 -       Did you know the schools’ insurance company requires these forms to be signed before they will insure these children in case of any injuries on a school field trip?

 -       Did you know In February 2015, Lloyds of London officially reiterated its long-held policy to exclude any liability coverage for injuries, “Directly or indirectly arising out of, resulting from, or contributed to by electromagnetic fields, electromagnetic radiation, radio waves or noise.”  (Exclusion 32)  This would include microwave wireless radiation emitted from the commercial grade Wi-Fi transmitters and the multiple wireless devices.

 -       Did you know our children are not covered by liability insurance for any microwave radiation injuries that occur with the mandatory exposure in our schools?

 Our question is: Did you know for as little as a one time cost of $500 US dollars every classroom could be provided with 40 Ethernet ports plus adapters for their wireless devices, costing about $20 per child, a small price to pay compared to brain surgery, chemotherapy, radiation treatments etc.?




Janis Hoffmann 

Parents for Safe Schools

Letters #1 - 8



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