Wednesday, 26 May 2021

Letter #10 Dear BC Minister of Education Health Canada is presenting inaccurate and false information

From: Safetecinschools <>
Date: Wed, May 19, 2021 at 8:22 AM
Subject: (REVISED LINK) Letter #10 Dear BC Minister of Education Health Canada is presenting inaccurate and false information
To: <>

Dear BC Minister of Education, Jennifer Whiteside,

-       Did you know school officials refer to Health Canada and Safety Code 6 for their information on the safety of wireless technology in our schools?

-       Did you know that the Health Canada’s website in many respects is an opinion piece written by an unknown author, supporting the wireless industry by presenting inaccurate and false information about the safety of wireless technology?

-       Did you know Health Canada was unable to present parents, teachers and student with any peer-reviewed studies by medical experts or scientists to support their claims of “no health risks” from the biological effects of prolonged exposure to microwave radiation?

-       Did you know that on February 20, 2013, James McNamee, scientist for Health Canada, admitted in the Superior Court of Quebec, that the Safety Code 6 guideline for microwave radiation emitting from wireless technology is based ONLY on thermal effects, whether it heats the skin in 6 minutes?

-       Did you know this means Health Canada does not have any regulations in place to protect the public from long-term exposure to the proven biological effects of the “non-thermal” levels of microwave radiation?

-       Did you know that scientists, medical experts and safety advocates spoke before Parliament’s Standing Committee on the outdated, incomplete and invalid guidelines of Safety Code 6 and asked Health Canada to approve the 12 recommendations presented by the HESA Committee?

-      Did you know Health Canada states that they  “continuously monitor the research and scientific literature on the health effects of RF exposure” yet Health Canada fails to meet the test of international standards that requires rigorous scientific methods, transparency, full public consultation from initial scoping throughout the process and health-protective precautionary interpretation of findings?

-       Did you know Health Canada has never completed a proper review of the scientific evidence that meets international standards, nor has it published any of its investigations?

-       Did you know Health Canada shows complete disregard for the $30 million US National Toxicology Program study with more than 2,000 rodents that showed clear evidence of cancer and DNA damage—despite the fact that this study passed through peer-review three times before publication?

-       Did you know Dr. Anthony Miller, a Canadian MD epidemiologist who has been awarded the Medal of Honour by the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) and in 2019 was named a Member of the Order of Canada, stated, “When considered with recent animal experimental evidence, the recent epidemiological studies strengthen and support the conclusion that RFR [RF Radiation] should be categorized as carcinogenic to humans (IARC Group 1).”

-       Did you know the guidelines in Health Canada’s Safety Code 6, which ISED relies on to regulate the microwave radiation emitting from all wireless devices, were first established in 1979?

-       Did you know the regulation of cell phones and other wireless communication devices is the responsibility of Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED), yet the ISED has ignored the fact that some popular cells phones are emitting RF radiation 4 - 11 times over the current Safety Code 6 guidelines?

Our question is:  Why would school officials rely on Health Canada for safety advice on Microwave Radiation Exposure when Health Canada is presenting inaccurate and false information?



Janis Hoffmann

Parents for Safe Schools

Letters #1- 9



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