Date: Fri, Apr 16, 2021 at 10:39 AM
Subject: Letter #8 Dear BC Minister of Education why are school officials closing their eyes to the overwhelming evidence of harm to our children in our schools?
To: <>
Dear BC Minister of Education, Jennifer Whiteside,
- Did you know the medical definition for Microwave Sickness according to Merriam-Webster dictionary is: a condition of impaired health first reported in the Russian medical literature that is characterized by headaches, anxiety, sleep disturbances, fatigue, and difficulty in concentrating and by changes in the cardiovascular and central nervous systems and that is held to be caused by prolonged exposure to low-intensity microwave radiation?
- Did you know the short-term effects of microwave radiation exposure
are: insomnia,
headaches, nose/earbleeds, skin
- Did you know it is a SCIENTIFIC FACT that long term exposure to microwave radiation causes biological effects that confirm developmental delays and neurological effects such as Depression, Suicide, Violence, Anxiety, Autism, Addiction, Behavioral Issues, Heart Episodes, Infertility, ADD/ADHD, Dementia, Alzheimer’s and Cancer?
- Did you know there are thousands of peer-reviewed studies dating as far back as 1969 supporting these findings?
- Did you know children are more at risk due to thinner, softer craniums and bones, greater absorption of RF radiation into their brains, eyes, and bone marrow, and their developing immune, neurological, and reproductive systems?
- Did you know that 1 in 3 children will become diabetic?
- Did you know the closer you live to a cell tower the higher your blood glucose?
- Did you know the way you create a model of diabetes in lab rats is by exposing them to 2.4 ghz?
- Did you know there is an epidemic of mental health, such as suicide, violence and opioid addition?
- Did you know that colon cancer and rectal cancer are occurring at an increasing rate among young and middle-aged adults throughout the U.S and scientists suspect it is from keeping cell phones in their pockets?
Our question is: Why are school officials closing their eyes to the overwhelming evidence of harm to our children in our schools?
Janis Hoffmann
Parents for Safe Schools
Letter #1 http://parentsforasafeschool.
Letter #2 http://parentsforasafeschool.
Letter #3
Letter #4 http:// parentsforasafeschool. bc-minister-of-education-why- is.html
#5 http://parentsforasafeschool.
#6 http://parentsforasafeschool.
#7 http://parentsforasafeschool.
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