Sunday, 29 May 2016

Parents and Teachers’ Unions in Canada, USA, UK, and Germany Have Done Their Research and Do Not Support WIFi in Schools

2016 - New York PTA Calls For Wi-Fi To Be Turned Off

Notice of Wi-Fi Radiation Legal Liability Was Served to New York School District Board of Education Members
The Wi-Fi Task Force was formed to gather information. Then it was disbanded by the Board of Education without any transparency in the process.
Parents served the New York Onteroa School District Superintendent Victoria Mclaren and Board of Education members a notice of their liability concerning the health risks from the Wi-Fi installation in this New York school district on the March 15, 2016 Board of Education Meeting.

"You have been urged to hardwire all your computers in the schools."

" Ignoring the above documented information and documented statements and proceeding with the use of Wi-Fi routers in the schools, you are committing willful blindness and can be liable for child negligence, or possibly even "negligent endangerment of child" which carries with it criminal law repercussions if any student gets injured from the schools Wi-Fi system and a parent decides to press charges."
In this video an Onteora School District Trustee reads the Phoenicia PTA's Letter
where the PTA calls for the Wi-Fi to be turned OFF.

2016 - Ontario Secondary School Teachers Federation

Is calling for a moratorium on WIFI. In the Limestone School District they have taken the issue to the school trustees. “The Teacher Union’s president says there is a growing mountain of evidence that WIFI can pose health risks.” according to a recent news report. Andrea Loken/OSSTF District President stated in news interview that, “There are thousands of published peer reviewed papers that are indicating adverse health effects from WIFI and we are seeing an increased awareness around this issue worldwide.”

2016 - Elementary Teachers Federation of Ontario

Is also calling for a “WIFI moratorium until further health studies are done, and lawmakers can catch up with new regulations.” 

2014 - United Federation of Teachers
200,000 teachers and educational professionals in New York City

Advisory: Wireless radiation is emitted by the myriad of wireless devices we encounter every day. It was once thought to be relatively harmless. However, we now know that wireless radiation can cause non-thermal biological effects as well, including damage to cells and DNA, even at low levels.

2014 – New York State Teacher’s Union NYSUT
1,200 local members
"We have enough evidence to justify taking action and we are not willing to wait until our members, their children and the students suffer health consequences from not doing anything," 
-Paul Pecorale, Vice President of the New York State United Teachers Union.
2014 - National Education Association
“The National Education Association believes that all educational facilities must have healthy indoor air quality, be smoke-free, be safe from environmental and chemical hazards, and be safe from hazardous electromagnetic fields.”  
“Students and/or their parents/guardians, education employees, and the public should be notified of actual and potential hazards.”
“School districts should conduct periodic testing for harmful water and airborne particles/agents that are detrimental to the health of students and education employees and shall report the results publicly.”
“The Association also believes in the development and enforcement of health and safety standards specifically for children.” Read Section C-19 of the NEA 2013-2014 Resolutions

2013 - BCCPAC Resolution: On/Off Switches for WiFi Routers and Protocol for Use of Wireless Devices
  800 Public School PCs & DPACs in BC

Adopted by strong majority votes (140-94) on May 4, 2013. Last year, the two resolutions passed by BCCPAC called for a halt in installing wireless network where other networking solutions are feasible, and for the creation of at least one fully-wired school at each level per school district. This 2013.11 resolution focuses on schools which already have WiFi installed and cannot get it removed right now.   

Please read the resolution along with the rationale, which contains important safety information not just for the school environment, but for homes as well. Please share this information with parents, grandparents, teachers, school administrators and school board trustees. We demand that safety protocol be put in place.,19,3111

2013 - Greater Victoria Teacher’s Association (GVTA): WiFi in Schools
The GVTA recommends a precautionary approach to the School District with regard to provision of wireless internet in schools.
The precautionary approach comes from the environmental movement and has been adopted as common practice in areas regarding potential environmental, ecological or biodiversity damage. It suggests that the lack of significant evidence is not enough of a reason to be unconcerned. The fact that many other countries have instituted regulations to protect children, seniors, pregnant women and other susceptible populations should be the guide for a District policy on WiFi installation and use in the worksites.
The GVTA recommends:
1.     The blanket approach to WiFi coverage needs to be amended.
2.     WiFi free schools should be available for those people who appear to be affected by EMRs and/or EMF.
3.     Staff approaching the Health and Safety Representative with concerns or reporting to be 'electrically hypersensitive' should be advised to:
o        keep a record of any adverse health effects they consider to be caused by exposure to WiFi/WLAN at work; and
o        report any adverse health effects and concerns to their GP.
4.     The use of router stations that will shut down when not in use or no connection is established.
5.    Strategic placement of the routers or only using them in places where they are needed most.
6.     Use of routers that comply with international standards such as those used in Europe (Netherlands, Germany, and Switzerland for example).
7.     Minimal or non-use within elementary schools and middle schools.
8.     Before any wireless networks can be set up within a worksite, a complete wireless survey needs to be conducted, so the issue is transparent and open.
9.     Consider developing a policy and regulations governing the use of cell phones and other such devices that utilize WiFi technology, similar to the policy developed by the National Association of Head Teachers in the UK. (Online Safety: a toolkit for early years settings. April 2010. Chpt. 5, Appendices 2)
10. If WiFi routers are installed that annual monitoring and quantification of EMRs and EMFs be conducted annually during regular instructional hours, and that reports are made available via the SD61 website.

2013 – BC Teachers Federation

40,000 teachers


The BC Teachers' Federation has adopted this Wi-Fi resolution to protect teachers' health. March 18, 2013,19,3018

2013 - Canadian Teachers' Federation

Over 200,000 teachers across Canada
  • That Safety Code 6 include a recommendation for prudent use of Wi-Fi whenever possible including the recommendation to limit consistent exposure in schools by turning off wireless access points when not in use.
  • That Safety Code 6 exposure thresholds be based upon both thermal and biological effects of exposure to Wi-Fi
  • That the Expert Panel recommend an education program regarding the relative safety of Wi-Fi exposure and that appropriate resources be developed to educate the public regarding ways to avoid potential exposure risks of Wi-Fi access points and devices.” 

Represents 76,000 teachers
Elementary Teachers Want Cellphones Turned Off In Class - For Health Reasons
by Dan Blakeley, Aug 17, 2013
"Citing workplace safety, the Elementary Teachers Federation of Ontario has passed resolutions asking that cellphones be turned off in classrooms, unless a student has special permission, and that WiFi transmitters in schools be in the open and clearly marked. The federation is worried about the health risks associated with radiation from the devices. The resolutions are non-binding; it's up to school boards to decide policy on wireless devices."
            From a CBC news report:
"In a separate resolution, ETFO [Elementary Teachers Federation of Ontario] voted to study the effects of non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation, the potentially harmful radiation emitted by cellphones. A report is due on the matter in February."
Resolutions (2) passed at Elementary Teacher's Federation of Ontario (EFTO) Annual General Meeting:
1)    15 August 2013, Resolution - 53. Peel Teacher Local: 
"That ETFO study the impact of non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation, including the possible implications for schools and members, with a report with recommendations to the February 2014 Representative Council.
There are growing health and safety concerns regarding the widespread use of technologies, which produce and emit non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation. It is estimated that over one million Canadians have an environmental sensitivity to this radiation and experience serious physical and biological effects. As has been the case with other known societal health dangers, the health effects of long-term exposure to this radiation may not be known for some time. Widespread exposure to wireless communication devices and infrastructure in Ontario schools can be a potential workplace hazard. Further study is needed to ensure the safety of members."
2) 15 August 2013, Resolution - 90. Peel Teacher Local:
“That ETFO, through OTF, lobby the Ministry of Education, the Ministry or
Labour, and the Ministry of Health to ensure that school boards:

1. Follow the 'Right to Know" legislation under the Ontario’s Occupational Health and Safety Act by clearly labelling the location Of Wi-Fi access points

2. Develop a hazard control program related to wireless microwave radiation through the Joint Health and Safety Committee (JHSC).”
Please see attachment or go to “Session 7" at:

Ontario Teachers' Union Votes To Ban Cell Phones In Classrooms

2013 - United Teachers of Los Angeles (UTLA)  

40,000 teachers & staff

“UTLA will abide by current National NEA Policy for Environmentally Safe Schools which states that all employees and stakeholders should be informed when there are changes in their exposure to environmental hazards including electromagnetic radiation and that all stakeholders and the public should be notified of any actual and potential hazards. UTLA will advocate for technological solutions that maintain technology upgrades while not increasing employees exposure to electromagnetic radiation.”

2013 - UK: Voice - The Union for Education Professionals

20,000 members

 “In the last few years there has been a great weight of evidence from around the world which suggests that exposure to electromagnetic radiation can have long-term health impacts, particularly on children, and that exposing young children (from birth to 12) to electromagnetic radiation (EMR) can produce changes in cell formation, genetic changes, and potential cancers.

Exposure levels are only half the story; length of exposure is crucial too. Long exposures at lower intensity levels may be as damaging as high exposure levels for short periods hence our concern about wireless networks in schools and nurseries.

It is a considerable concern that in schools we are installing wi-fi systems and we have no clear evidence that they are safe. Our concern is that until they are declared to be safe and proven to be safe we should not be installing them in schools.

The difficulty is that once installed in schools, they are switched on constantly. Whether the children are using them or not, they are exposed to that level of radiation.

Voice has advocated that new wi-fi systems should not be installed in schools, that existing systems should be turned off when not required and that schools should consider whether they really need to use wi-fi, which was developed to facilitate Internet access on the move rather than to be used as a convenient alternative to cables in dedicated IT facilities.”

2012 - BCCPAC - The BC Confederation of Parent Advisory Councils

- 800 Public School PCs & DPACs in BC
- Studied WiFi issue for THREE years

2012 AGM Resolutions adopted for Parent Choice and Precaution:

#18 calls on Boards of Education to "cease to install Wi-Fi and other wireless networks in schools where other networking technology is feasible."

#17 "calls on each Board of Education to have one public school at each education level (elementary, middle, secondary) that is free of Wi-Fi, cordless phones and cell phones. This school will only be equipped with wired computers and wired telephones for personal, educational and administrative purposes."

2012 - The Ontario English Catholic Teachers Association

37,000 teachers

A position regarding the use of Non-Ionizing Electromagnetic Radiation, including WiFi, in the workplace:

1. We do not know what the long-term effects of low-level non-ionizing radiation are on those who are exposed (workers and students). No form of radiation can be deemed ‘safe’ as it depends on the constitution of the individual exposed, the amount of exposure as well as a sufficient amount of time to pass to observe any health effects that have a long latency period (i.e. cancer).

  2. The WHO has classified low-level non-ionizing radiation in the microwave band associated with celluar phones as a class 2b carcinogen (possible carcinogen) and Health Canada has warned about limiting the use of handheld personal electronic equipment such as cellular phones among youth. Initializing WiFi for personal electronic equipment will result in an unpredictable exposure as use varies.

 3. A segment of the population are environmentally sensitive (a disability according to the Canadian Human Rights Commission) to low level non-ionizing radiation and may experience immediate physical/biological reactions when exposed.

 4. Employers including School Boards have the duty to accommodate persons with disabilities including that of electro-hypersensitivity. A widespread investment in a redundant WiFi network may limit the ability to reduce WiFi exposure thereby accommodating workers with an electro-hypersensitivity disability.

 5. The safety of this technology has not thoroughly been researched and therefore the precautionary principle and prudent avoidance of exposure should be practiced.

 6. The purposeful introduction of non-ionizing radiation transmitters, such as WiFi, into the work place is considered to be the introduction of new equipment that presents a potential health and safety hazard for workers. As such, it is the duty of the Joint Health and Safety Committee to develop a hazard control program to; assess the risk of injury from the potential hazard, recommend controls to be applied to address the hazards, and to monitor the effectiveness of the applied controls.

 7. Administrative and physical control methods to address the hazards of non-ionizing radiation, such as WiFi, in the workplace are readily available and relatively easy to apply. Application of controls would be completely consistent with the ALARA (As Low As Reasonably Achievable) approach and the precautionary principles as well as the general duty clause, Section 25 (2)(h) of the Occupational Health and Safety Act.


 I. OECTA recognizes that there is a growing concern regarding the potential adverse health effects of the use of wireless technology, which requires the broadcasting of non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation, typically in the radio/microwave frequency band.

 II. OECTA recognizes that the installation of WiFi microwave transmitters and the expanded use of wireless devices in Catholic schools and educational facilities across the Province of Ontario may present a potential Health and Safety risk or hazard in the workplace.

 III. OECTA recognizes the need to provide information to the Joint Health and Safety Committee(s) at the local Unit level regarding the potential hazards and prudent avoidance control measures regarding the presence of non-ionizing radiation (WiFi) in the workplace such that they may exercise their powers as established under S. 9(18) the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA).
 IV. OECTA post this position paper on the OECTA website.

2010 - Greater Victoria Teachers' Association

"The GVTA recommends a precautionary approach to the School District with regard to provision of wireless Internet in schools. The precautionary approach comes from the environmental movement and has been adopted as common practice in areas regarding potential environmental, ecological or biodiversity damage. It suggests that the lack of significant evidence is not enough of a reason to be unconcerned. The fact that many other countries have instituted regulations to protect children, seniors, pregnant women and other susceptible populations should be the guide for a District policy on WiFi installation and use in the worksites."

The GVTA Wireless in Schools Webpage states now that:
  • Wi-Fi free zones should be available.
  • On/Off routers recommended and record any adverse Wi-Fi health effects.
  • Minimal or non-use within elementary schools.
2010  - UK VOICE - The Union for Education Professionals

20,000 members
"Voice has advocated that new Wi-Fi systems should not be installed in schools, that existing systems should be turned off when not required and that schools should consider whether they really need to use Wi-Fi, which was developed to facilitate Internet access on the move rather than to be used as a convenient alternative to cables in dedicated IT facilities.”

2009 - UK ATL: Association of Teachers and Lecturers

More than 160,000 members

35,000 members

2006 - Germany GEW: Gewerkschaft Erziehung und Wissenschaft (Education and Science Workers’ Union)

WiFi Safety in Schools  -  16:9 The Bigger Picture (about 14 minutes):  

Saturday, 28 May 2016

Industry Owned Media Suppresses True Results of US Government Cell Phone Study

Cell Phone Radiation Boosts Cancer Rates in Animals;
$25 Million NTP (National Toxicology Program) Study Finds Brain Tumors
The first US government study is now complete, and it shows that there is a statistically significant increase in glioma (brain cancer) and schwannoma (heart cancer) in rats that have been exposed to non-thermal levels of cell phone radiation.  The rats were exposed to 9 hours a day of alternating cycles of 10 minutes of cell phone radiation on, then 10 minutes of 0 cell phone radiation, every day for 2 years.

Full Study

The Wall Street Journal

The American Cancer Society

NIH Rat Study on Cell Phones and Wireless Radiation Update: National Toxicology Program Statements – 2009 Video (6:56)

In 2009 NTP officials gave an update to Congress at the 2009 Cell Phone radiation hearings, stating, "little is known about potential health effects of long term exposure".

Dr. Hugh Taylor chairman of Yale School of Medicine – Video (1:11)
Are cell phones hurting your kids? Fox 5 News Reports on the Pediatric Academic Societies Conference

Jimmy Gonzalez "Cell Phones Cause Cancer" – Dec 2014 Video (8:47)

Attorney Jimmy Gonzalez addressing his city council, after he developed brain cancer and heart cancer after years of cell phone use.  Brain cancer at the location where he held his phone to his head, heart cancer where he carried his phone, and also cancer in a nerve in his hand where he held his phone.  He died at age 42.  

"Reduce children's exposure to wireless" states the The Cyprus Government's Cyprus National Committee

Cellphone Radiation Can Cause Cancer – Video (1:01)
A new study is calling out the skeptics of cancer by way of cellphones. Researcher Igor Yakymenko has discovered a correlation between the disease and mobile phone usage after conducting a meta-study, which looked at how radiofrequency from devices can damage one's DNA. That damage can add up over time and cause a variety of health problems, like cancer, headaches, fatigue and even skin problems.

American Brain Tumor Association – Statistics
Brain tumors are the most common cancer among those age 0-19 (leukemia is the second). The second leading cause of cancer-related deaths in children (males and females) under age 20 (leukemia is the first).…/2016-02/abta-mbt022216.php

Tuesday, 17 May 2016

Why are School Officials willfully turning a deaf ear to the voices of our children who are suffering from this RF exposure?

Dear School Officials,

Parents have sent School Officials 1,000’s of peer reviewed studies by scientists and medical experts showing the harmful effects of wireless technology associated with long term exposure to microwave radiation such as increased infertility, neurodegenerative disease and cancer. Experts both nationally and internationally continue to call on the Canadian government to implement much stricter exposure standards for radio frequency radiation to mitigate risk, especially for infants and children who are most vulnerable.

Why have School Officials refused to heed the recommendations from the highest level of public health? The World Health Organization (WHO), declared that parents should reduce children's chronic exposure to RF/MWR where ever possible to mitigate risk for harmful effects, pointing out that any reasonable measure to limit or reduce exposure would be benefit children, fetuses and those with EHS.

According to a report delivered June 18th 2015, by the House of Commons Standing Committee on Health (HESA) the microwave radiation from wireless devices is now a "serious public health issue".  The Canadian Parliamentary Committee discussed possible links between RF exposure and cancer, reproductive issues and autism. Concerns were raised about RF exposure in schools due to use of Wi-Fi; the need for RF exposure limits to protect vulnerable populations such as pregnant women, infants and children, and persons with electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS)

The International EMF Scientist Appeal, signed by over 200 EMF research scientists, university professors and medical doctors from 40 countries, called upon the United Nations, the WHO, and the UN Member States to address the emerging public health crisis

Health Canada has disregarded or minimized certain recent studies, such as cancer, DNA damage, protein synthesis, stress response, and detrimental biological health effects in humans that occur at radiation levels far below the existing Safety Code 6 Guideline. During the hearings four international experts testified that Health Canada is "either unwilling or not competent" to judge current scientific evidence that wireless radiation is harmful to our health. Health Canada is not protecting the public.

In February 20, 2013, in the Superior Court of Quebec, James McNamee, Health Canada scientist admitted that the Safety Code 6 guidelines for microwave radiation (which includes radiation from most of the devices we are concerned about like mobile phones, cell phone antennas, Wi-Fi, wireless toys and baby monitors, smart meters etc. is based ONLY on preventing a heating effect!  That is burning of the skin within 6 minutes.

The statement in the Preface of Safety Code 6 (2009) is the following (page 3):
The purpose of this code is to establish safety limits for human exposure to radiofrequency (RF) electromagnetic energy in the frequency range from 3 kHz to 300 GHz. The safety limits in this code apply to all individuals working at, or visiting, federally regulated sites. These guidelines may also be adopted by the provinces, industry or other interested parties.

Health Canada’s Safety Code 6 does NOT apply to provinces, industry, or other interested parties.  The provinces have the authority to establish levels far more restrictive than Safety Code 6.

Dr. McNamee finally admitted that the guidelines in question regarding cell towers are based ONLY on preventing a thermal effect, it is now accurate to say that Canada does not have a guideline to protect Canadians from long-term exposure to “non-thermal” levels of microwave radiation! 

In February 2015, Lloyds of London officially reiterated its long-held policy to exclude any liability coverage for injuries, “Directly or indirectly arising out of, resulting from, or contributed to by electromagnetic fields, electromagnetic radiation, radio waves or noise.”  (Exclusion 32)  This would include microwave wireless radiation emitted from the commercial grade Wi-Fi transmitters and the multiple wireless devices.

The Ministry of Education has put the onus on the individual School Boards to approve the installation of this wireless technology thus relieving themselves of any liability. It is made very clear in a letter to the BCCPAC dated November 19, 2012, from the Ministry of Education, the Board of Education has the authority to develop policies addressing the use of wireless technology in schools and to implement the appropriate technology where it is deemed necessary to support the education needs of students. 

When parents requested ONE peer reviewed study proving ‘wifi was safe for children and the unborn,’ Health Officers were unable to present one.  The Provincial Health Officer, Dr. Kendall has stated in a letter in March 2015, “Nor, as others have suggested do I make statements that such radiation is 'safe' ”.

Vancouver Island School Medical Officer Dr. Stanwick has stated: Upon review of the evidence, the prevailing position in this province from experts at the federal, provincial and regional levels is that the evidence reveals that “Wi-Fi exposure in schools does not pose a level of risk that is unacceptable.” The other chief medical health officers in the province, Provincial Health Officer, Ministry of Health and other federal and provincial agencies hold this position.
Stating there is in fact a risk.
Why are School Officials refusing Parents, Teachers and Students their RIGHT TO KNOW about the health risks from this unregulated technology that has never been tested for safety? Safety Manuals and Disclaimers have not been disclosed, for example:

Apple instructs its users: “Read all safety information below and operating instructions before using iPad to avoid injury.” be sure that human exposure to RF energy does not exceed the FCC, IC, and European Union guidelines, always follow these instructions and precautions: Orient the device in portrait mode with the Home button at the bottom of the display, or in landscape mode with the cellular antenna (located under the black edge at the top of the device) away from your body or other objects”

A child cannot hold an iPad without being exposed to microwave radiation pulsating every 4 seconds. That’s 900 bursts of radiation in one hour!

The user manual also recommends users (many children): “you can further limit your exposure by limiting the amount of time using iPad Wi-Fi+3G in wireless mode, since time is a factor in how much exposure a person receives, and by placing more distance between your body and iPad Wi-Fi + 3G, since exposure level drops off dramatically with distance.”

Samsung 3G Laptop: “Usage precautions during 3G connection:  Keep safe distance from pregnant woman’s stomach or from lower stomach of teenagers.  Body work operation:  Important safety information regarding radiofrequency radiation (RF) exposure.  To ensure compliance with RF exposure guidelines the Notebook PC must be used with a minimum of 20.8 cm (8 Inches) antenna separation from the body.”

Apple "iPhone's SAR measurement may exceed the FCC exposure guidelines for body-worn operation if positioned less than 15 mm (5/8th inch) from the body. When using iPhone near your body for voice calls or for wireless data transmission over a cellular network, keep iPhone at least 15 mm (5/8th inch) away from the body, and only use carrying cases, belt clips or holsters that do not have metal parts and that maintain at least 15 mm (5/8th inch) separation between iPhone and the body

Why are teachers being forced to claim disability or early retirement, parents having to take their children out of school for home schooling and others forced in frustration to give up their parental right to protect their children?  Why is it no amount of evidence, peer reviewed studies, presentations by scientists and medical experts fail to make School Officials understand this mandatory exposure to microwave radiation causes permanent and irreversible damage?

Why are School Officials willfully turning a deaf ear to the voices of our children who are suffering from this RF exposure?

Janis Hoffmann
CST Director, Children's Health & Safety
C4ST Riding Rep
Founder Parents for Safe Schools

United Nations Declaration of the Rights of the Child, the Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989), asserts:
Article 3
1. In all actions concerning children, whether undertaken by public or private social welfare institutions, courts of law, administrative authorities or legislative bodies, the best interests of the child shall be a primary consideration.

2. States Parties undertake to ensure the child such protection and care as is necessary for his or her well-being, taking into account the rights and duties of his or her parents, legal guardians, or other individuals legally responsible for him or her, and, to this end, shall take all appropriate legislative and administrative measures.

3.   States Parties shall ensure that the institutions, services and facilities responsible for the care or protection of children shall conform with the standards established by competent authorities, particularly in the areas of safety, health, in the number and suitability of their staff, as well as competent supervision.