Largest Animal Study on Cell Tower Radiation
Confirms Cancer Link
findings of cancerous tumors in rats exposed to
environmental levels of RF are consistent
with and reinforce the results of the US NTP studies
on cell phone radiation, as both reported increases in
the same types of tumors of the brain and heart in
Sprague-Dawley rats. Together, these studies
provide sufficient evidence to call for the
International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)
to re-evaluate and re-classify their conclusions
regarding the carcinogenic potential of RFR in
humans," said Fiorella Belpoggi PhD, study
author and RI Director of Research…
"All of
the exposures used in the Ramazzini study were below
the US FCC limits. These are permissible
exposures according the FCC. In other words, a person
can legally be exposed to this level of radiation. Yet
cancers occurred in these animals at these legally
permitted levels. The Ramazzini findings are
consistent with the NTP study demonstrating these
effects are a reproducible finding,"
explained Ronald Melnick PhD, formerly the Senior NIH
toxicologist who led the design of the NTP study on
cell phone radiation now a Senior Science Advisor to
Environmental Health Trust (EHT). "Governments need to
strengthen regulations to protect the public from
these harmful non-thermal exposures."
"The evidence indicating wireless is
carcinogenic has increased and can no longer be
ignored," stated University of Toronto Dalla Lana
School of Public Health Professor Emeritus Anthony B.
Miller MD, Member of the Royal Colleges of Physicians
of Canada and the UK, and Senior Medical Advisor to
EHT who is also a long-term advisor to the World
Health Organization.
"This study raises concerns that simply
living close to a cell tower will pose threats to
human health. Governments need to take measures to
reduce exposures from cell tower emissions. Cell
towers should not be near schools, hospitals or
people's homes. Public health agencies need to
educate the public on how to reduce exposure from
all sources of wireless radiofrequency
radiation—be it from cell towers or cell phones or
Wi-Fi in schools," stated David O.
Carpenter MD, former Dean of the School of Public
Health at the University at Albany. "This is particularly
urgent because of current plans to place small 5G
cell towers about every 300 meters in every street
across the country. These 5G 'small cell'
antennas will result in continuous exposure to
everyone living nearby and everyone walking down the
street. The increased exposures will increase
risk of cancer and other diseases such as
Study on Base Station/Cell Tower Radiation: Press
Conference 3/22/2018
Belpoggi Calls for IARC To Reassess RF–Cancer Risk”
using cell phones are developing tumours!
Each of these
studies have their weaknesses and often when someone
doesn’t like the results they focus on the inherent
weakness in the type of study being performed (like
… study was with rats not people; experiment was under
artificial conditions; what happens in a test tube may
not happen in a living organism; there could be
confounders that were not considered; etc.)
The real value of the Ramazzini study is
that it confirms the results in the NTP study as both
showed an increase in two types of tumours Schwannomas
of the heart and malignant glial brain tumours. We
have additional evidence from epidemiological studies
that these two types of tumours (various
types of brain tumours) and schwannomas
(in this case vestibular schwannomas that affect the
ear rather than the heart) as an acoustic
neuroma are higher in people who use
cell phones. We also have scientific evidence showing
that RFR causes an increase in free-radicals that can
cause cancer; that it causes increased permeability of
the blood-brain barrier, that it interferes with
calcium biochemistry, etc.
So, we have three types of studies
pointing in the same direction. The tumours occur in
humans under natural conditions; they occur in lab
studies with rats at levels below existing
international guidelines; and they occur in lab
studies providing various mechanism (free-radical
damage being only one probable cause). See: When
theory and observation collide 2017.
Also, the NTP study is not the first but
the second major study of microwave radiation and
cancer in rats as the first one was conducted by Chou
et al. in 1992. They found an increase
in various tumours, especially primary tumours, for
rats exposed to 2.4 GHz frequencies. It is the combination of
studies that is important and all of these studies
can’t be wrong!
Brain Tumors on the Rise in EnglandThe incidence of glioblastoma multiforme (GBM), the deadliest type of brain tumor, more than doubled in England between 1995 and 2015, according to a new analysis of national statistics. During that time, the number of cases of GBM rose from 983 to 2,531.
Study Finds Cell Phone Use Increases Risk For Brain
Governments have allowed this technology to pervade our lives saying it did not have proof it could harm us. We now have evidence from the latest Canadian Interphone study data that found a statistically significant doubling of risk for glioma among cell phone users with only 558 lifetime hours of use.
How long will it take a teenager to amass 558 hours of cell phone use?
Governments have allowed this technology to pervade our lives saying it did not have proof it could harm us. We now have evidence from the latest Canadian Interphone study data that found a statistically significant doubling of risk for glioma among cell phone users with only 558 lifetime hours of use.
How long will it take a teenager to amass 558 hours of cell phone use?
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