Wednesday, 13 June 2018

36 Year Old with Neck Tumor/Cell Phone Related: Santa Rosa 5G Small Cell Testimony

French school students to be banned from using mobile phones
Pupils will not be allowed to use phones on schools grounds after September

36 Year Old with Neck Tumor/Cell Phone Related: Santa Rosa 5G Small Cell Testimony
How many years of mandatory RF radiation exposure in our schools will it take for our children, who are the most vulnerable, to develop cancer? Health Officials say, "It's an acceptable risk."

Schools and Wi-Fi : Is Your Child Sitting Under This Radiation Emitting Device?  Are you okay with this?

Mobile phone cancer warning as malignant brain tumours double
“Brain tumours kill more children in the UK than any other cancer. It’s essential we fund more research to make kinder and safer treatments for young patients and understand why there is an increase in incidence rates .”

New Publication: Children Absorb 2-5 Times Higher Doses of Microwave Radiation than Adults, From Virtual Reality Systems
Children’s health specialists are concerned that higher exposures to unprecedented levels of microwave radiation pose risks of permanent damage to vision, hearing and brain development, and cancer.

Top mobile phone firms warning shareholders over devices' possible cancer risks - but fail to tell customers

5G Health Concerns Confirmed By Published Scientific Research RT News

Saturday, 2 June 2018

Requesting a response to the letter from Parents, Teachers and Students April 20, 2018

Please consider helping to keep the pressure on Prov. Health Officer Bonnie Henry because she needs to acknowledge the current science. If we are silent, she will think we are happy with the way things are!!!  Silence is consent.

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: Re: Requesting a response to the letter from Parents, Teachers and Students April 20, 2018
Date: Thu, 31 May 2018 06:12:16 -0700
From: Janis Hoffmann <>

Dear Dr. Bonnie Henry,
We request that the BC Provincial Health Officer provide the public with an official response to the findings of the US National Toxicology Program Expert Panel who concluded that there is “Clear Evidence of Carcinogenic Activity” and the association of cancer in the heart and brain and cell phone radiation.  This is serious health and safety matter that will cause permanent damage to thousands of children in all our public schools. Currently it is mandatory that our children be exposed RF Microwave Radiation  with no way to shield themselves from this full body radiation, much like the rats used in this study.

Parents have been robbed of their right to decide if this chronic exposure, an established 2B carcinogen listed next to lead, DDT, methyl mercury, chloroform, and car exhaust is an acceptable risk or whether precautionary measures should be implemented given there is alternative simple solution.

More and more schools are applying a 'No cell phone' policy during school hours due to distractions that negatively impact learning. This has made a huge impact on the reduction of radiation exposure our children are experiencing in our classrooms.  However, the removal of the industrial strength Wi-Fi routers should implemented immediately and return to hard-wired Internet, which is faster, cheaper, more reliable, more secure and safer than wireless networks.

For as little as a one time cost of $500 US dollars every classroom would be provided with 40 Ethernet ports plus adapters for their wireless devices, costing about $20 per child, a small price to pay compared to brain surgery, chemotherapy, radiation treatments etc.

As the Provincial Health Office you have a duty to take reasonable steps to reduce wireless radiation in our schools given the overwhelming amount of evidence of harm that concerned parents have submitted.


Janis Hoffmann
Founder of Parentsforsafeschools
Vancouver Island Rep.