Saturday, 19 May 2018

The New England Journal of Medicine - Fifty Years Later: The Significance of the Nuremberg Code (signed by Canada)

Something is very wrong when parents, teachers and students have to send Government Officials, Health Officers and School Officials quotes from the Nuremberg Code to protect their children from the mandatory exposure to RF Radiation in our schools. The Nuremberg Code was written 20 years ago, and published in the New England Journal of Medicine to protect people from involuntary experiments.

1. The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential.
This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision. This latter element requires that before the acceptance of an affirmative decision by the experimental subject there should be made known to him the nature, duration, and purpose of the experiment; the method and means by which it is to be conducted; all inconveniences and hazards reasonably to be expected; and the effects upon his health or person which may possibly come from his participation in the experiment.

Tom Wheeler, FCC, promotes 5G - No regulations, no testing...


You are probably wondering why is the media not reporting any of this information to the public?   Because the media is owned by the wireless industry giving them the opportunity to keep their secret from the public and protect their billion-dollar investment.  
Letter from Parent:

Sent: Monday, May 07, 2018 1:37 PM
Subject: Re: Response to concerns regarding the safety of radio frequency exposure

Dear Minister Bains,
Receiving scripted replies from governmental aids, is nothing short of an insult, as it implies, that we the public, are ignorant fools.

Over the last 8 years, I have read countless, peer reviewed science documents, regarding the dangers of non-ionizing radiation in two languages, and can say with certainty, that I am far more informed on this subject than Minister Bains and his uninformed aids.  Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada is indeed a captured agency, where corporate lobbyists set the tone.

I have first-hand experience of the suffering that electro sensitive people have to endure, on a daily basis, as my wife has been struggling with this agonizing man-made affliction, for almost 9 years.

I am fully aware, that government officials will not acknowledge any biological harm, because it would immediately open a floodgate of law suits, as they were negligent in public health protection, by allowing untested technology to be imposed on the unsuspecting public, through WiFi, Cell towers, and now 5G microcells to be released on the population, without any prior biological testing.

In violation of the Rio Declaration of 1992 and the Nuremberg Code, the Government of  Canada, is conducting unauthorized human experiments, on a monumental scale, in collusion with the wireless industry.  Exposing the uninformed population to biologically active, non-ionizing, microwave radiation pollution, through Public WiFi, cell towers, smart meters, and now 5G microcells, is revolting.

Most shockingly, these biological unauthorized experiments extend to schools and even hospitals, where children, severely ill and frail elderly patients are fighting for their lives! 

Not long ago, Health Canada endorsed asbestos, formaldehyde and DDT and considered AIDS a minor event.

Today, this very same incompetent, captured government agency, is once again failing Canadians most miserably, by endorsing, biologically active, untested wireless technology, by relying on the archaic Safety Code 6, which was intensely criticized by international science, as "non-protective".

This absurd reliance on Safety Code 6 allows corporations free and uncontrolled reign, irradiating people in their homes, workplaces, schools, hospitals and every public place imaginable, with biologically untested technology, absent of meaningful governmental scrutiny.

SC6, was originally intended for short visits of workers to industrial sites and was never intended for chronic, 24/7, radiation exposure, of the unborn, mothers and children, the frail and elderly, by a known toxic agent, penetrating homes, schools, and hospitals, without consent!

When have children's bedrooms and classrooms, become industrial sites?

Twenty three thousand (23.000) peer reviewed studies, proving adverse biological effects are dismissed by this government!
(Available at the University of Aachen, Germany)

Where is your "science based, decision making" as promised during the last election campaign?

Such incomprehensible reckless attitude and supreme arrogance, as exhibited by Health Canada and your department, constitutes a perversion of Hippocratic ethics, a lack of morality and reverence for human life.

Marcus Schluschen

Sunday, 6 May 2018

Parents, teachers and students want to know why the BC Provincial Health Officer has not done her due diligence and informed the School Boards about the health risks

PO Box 9648
Victoria BC

April 20, 2018

Dear Dr. Bonnie Henry,
Parents, teachers and students want to know why the BC Provincial Health Officer has not done her due diligence and informed the School Boards about the health risks from the prolonged and accumulative exposure to RF radiation emitting from wireless technology in our schools.

On March 26-29, 2018, the National Toxicology Program (NTP), a 10-year study costing the US 25 million dollars, had eleven experts review the reports from the NTP's cell phone radiation studies.  They concluded that exposure to cell phone radiation caused a rare cancer, malignant schwannoma in the heart, and incidences of glioma, a rare, aggressive and highly malignant brain cancer.

Conclusions were based on NTP’s scale of “clear evidence”, “some evidence”, “equivocal evidence”, and “no evidence”.  Clear Evidence being conclusive. 

"The evidence indicating wireless is carcinogenic has increased and can no longer be ignored," stated University of Toronto Dalla Lana School of Public Health Professor Emeritus Anthony B. Miller MD, Member of the Royal Colleges of Physicians of Canada and the UK, and Senior Medical Advisor to EHT who is also a long-term advisor to the World Health Organization.

Soon after, the Ramazzini Institute also completed the world's largest animal study on cell tower radiation and confirmed the findings of the National Toxicology Program link to Cancer. This information accompanied with the over 26,000 peer reviewed studies by scientists and medical experts  is more than enough evidence for you to apply the precautionary principal to protect our children.

In January 1998, The Wingspread Conference held a three-day academic conference where the Precautionary Principle was defined.  It was agreed the Precautionary Principle would be implemented when an activity raises threats of harm to human health or the environment, even if some cause and effect relationships are not fully established scientifically. The Precautionary Principle shifts the burden of proof, insisting that those responsible for an activity must vouch for its harmlessness and be held responsible if damage occurs.

Health is a Provincial Jurisdiction. Your duty and obligation as the Provincial Health Officer and as a Doctor is to implement the Precautionary Principle by honouring your Hippocratic Oath, “nil nocere” to do no harm and protect our children from this health crisis.

All schools now employ industrial wireless networks, exposing students and staff to ubiquitous microwave radiation without any way to shield or avoid this mandatory exposure. Parents have never been informed of the health risks or given their written consent to expose their children to microwave radiation in our schools. School Districts have refused to educate students, parents and staff on how to avoid excessive RFR exposure when handling wireless devices during class time as outlined in user manuals, requirements mandated by law. 

Vancouver Island School Boards have shifted the responsibility of potential lawsuits caused by this wireless technology to their School Medical Health Officer, Dr. Stanwick, who has endorsed the installation of a known 2b carcinogen in our schools and is unable to provide parents with any peer reviewed studies stating the safety of radiation exposure. Dr. Stanwick then shifted “the responsibility for professional oversight” to the Provincial Health Officer.

The BC Ministry of Education has stated they set educational standards, allocates funds and monitors student achievement but decisions regarding the planning and delivery of supports and services for all students are the responsibility of local boards of education and school district administrators. This includes decisions around exposure to RF frequencies and the use of WiFi in the classroom setting.

The Health Minister Philpott was also unable to provide parents with peer reviewed studies stating the safety of Wifi safety in our schools and has instead relied on Health Canada’s Safety Code 6 exposure “guidelines.” 

But on February 20, 2013, James McNamee, scientist for Health Canada, admitted in the Superior Court of Quebec, that the Safety Code 6 guideline for microwave radiation emitting from wireless technology is based ONLY on thermal effects, heating of the skin.  This means Canada does not have any regulations in place to protect the public from long-term exposure to the biological effects of the “non-thermal” levels of microwave radiation.
      On page 3, inside the Safety Code 6 document it states, “These guidelines apply to all individuals working at, or visiting, federally regulated sites and may also be adopted by the provinces, industry or other interested parties.”  Schools are not federally regulated sites and, therefore, SC 6 does not apply to wifi in schools.  The fact that the provinces may Adopt SC 6 means that the provinces are free to set their own guidelines.

In a report by Dr. Martin Pall he discusses Ken Foster and John Moulder, 2 industry affiliated scientists who, for years, have argued that there is no evidence of harm from exposure to microwave radiation. These 2 “bent” scientists have been on Health Canada panels and reviewed Safety Code 6, stating it is protective of non-thermal effects, when it applies to thermal effects only. On page 412 (8 of 12) he explains how they use poor science to help support wifi in schools, cell phones, etc
Tim Singer from Health Canada responded to a letter concerning the radiation levels in our schools by stating, Health Canada is aware of concerns related to Wi-Fi in schools, such decisions are not within Health Canada’s mandate. We recommend that you continue to consult your local school board or provincial authority to discuss your concerns.

The finger pointing has now gone full circle and it is obvious that Provincial Health Officer will be held accountable for wilfully ignoring the overwhelming amount of scientific proof of harm. 

Parents want to exercise their right to protect their children from harm and are calling on you to take immediate action to mitigate the risk and inform the School Boards throughout the province of the established health risks associated with long term exposure to microwave radiation by recommending the use of hard wired connections to access the Internet in our schools.

The burden of proof should not be put upon the public to prove that it’s unsafe, but upon the industry to prove it is safe.


Janis Hoffmann
Founder of Parentsforsafeschools
Vancouver Island Rep.